SEATech Ventures Corp. Signs Acquisition Agreement to Acquire 100% of Just Supply Chain Limited

SEATech Ventures Corp. Signs Acquisition Agreement to Acquire 100% of Just Supply Chain Limited

Tue, July 18, 2023, 9:23 PM GMT+8·4 min read KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia and NEW YORK, July 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — SEATech Ventures Corp. (OTC PINK:SEAV), is pleased to announce the acquisition of Just Supply Chain Limited (“JustLorry”). JustLorry is a leading digital logistics and supply chain management platform specializing in on-demand commercial trucks aggregator in…

PDPW: Transaksi kewangan, pembayaran digital dijangka terus meningkat

PDPW: Transaksi kewangan, pembayaran digital dijangka terus meningkat

Mei 24, 2023 20:37 MYT     KUALA LUMPUR: Jumlah transaksi kewangan dan pembayaran secara digital dijangka meningkat lebih 400 transaksi atau e-payment per kapita menjelang 2026. Ia selepas pandemik COVID-19 telah memacu penembusan pembayaran digital di negara ini kepada lebih 30 peratus. Ketua Pegawai Strategik Kumpulan Maybank, Dr Siew Chan Cheong berkata, dua fokus…



2023年04月02日 陈棋雄(右四)带领众嘉宾为《独角腾龙新赛道》造势。左起为李中群、黄婉冰、谢国雄与谢溢高;右起为万慕达尼、戈比及王振雄。 (吉隆坡1日讯)扶植企业对接国际资本市场的第二届《The Great Unicorn Race 独角腾龙新赛道2023》,即日起接受报名! 由东盟科技创投(OTCMKT:SEAV)主办的《独角腾龙新赛道》,旨在为马来西亚发掘更多“独角兽”企业,并借此协助企业家打开自身格局,实现企业增值及扩展业务蓝图,并接轨国际资本市场。 东盟科技创投公司总执行长陈棋雄致辞时指出,《独角腾龙新赛道》鼓励私企把握良机打开格局,扩展事业蓝图。 活动获得大马电脑及多媒体工业协会(PIKOM)和大马中小企业公会及大马数字经济机构(MDEC)支持,以启发企业家突破对独角兽企业的思维。 列席者有槟城数码有限公司董事拿督黄婉冰、SEATech董事谢溢高博士、谢国雄教授、大马数字经济机构高级副总裁戈比、数字推动者总监万慕达尼、绿专资本集团总裁兼总执行长李中群博士及大马电脑及多媒体工业协会主席王振雄。 《独角腾龙新赛道》是继第一届《SEA Unicorn东盟独角擂台战》的成功而再举办 ,凡注册公司可到报名,报名费300令吉。(资讯)

致力培育独角兽 SEATech办公室新张

致力培育独角兽 SEATech办公室新张

2023年04月02日 谢溢高(左起)、谢国雄和陈棋雄为东盟科技创投公司新办公室主持开张仪式。 (吉隆坡1日讯)美国上市公司东盟科技创投公司SEATech Ventures Corp.(OTC PINK:SEAV),致力于培育和孵化东南亚新兴的成长型科技公司,旨在成为未来的亚洲独角兽。 总部设在吉隆坡的东盟科技创投公司新办公室星期三隆重开张,总执行长陈棋雄致辞时说,当今世界已进入新金融环境中,变化多端,对应的生产要素是信息和数据,也是该公司要展示的举措。 他说,SEATech是一个孵化与指导平台,汇集了具备技术、市场开发和金融专业知识的人才。该公司通过业务合并和整合为公司在亚洲扩展业务,提供有关增长战略的指导和咨询。 SEATech建议公司通过提供包括证券化股权众筹、私募和公开上市在内的融资策略,将其业务货币化、资本化和证券化。   坚持3点原则 对于有意扩展业务的客户,陈棋雄坚持3点原则:“首先,SEATech不会帮助任何涉及金钱游戏的公司;第二,我们希望看到公司有能力和可持续发展;第三就是必须有一个优秀的财务人员。” SEATech在亚洲下一个科技独角兽的转型、证券化、资本化和国际化方面,被公认为具有影响力的亚洲企业风险投资公司。 列席者包括SEATech董事谢溢高博士、谢国雄教授、绿专资本集团总栽李中群博士、大马电脑及多媒体工业协会(PIKOM)主席王振雄等。 更多信息请浏览。(资讯)

SEATech Ventures Announces Its Incubatee catTHIS Holdings Corp Has Obtained S-1 Notice of Effectiveness

SEATech Ventures Announces Its Incubatee catTHIS Holdings Corp Has Obtained S-1 Notice of Effectiveness

Tue, February 28, 2023, 7:00 PM GMT+8 KUALA LUMPUR / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2023 / SEATech Ventures Corp. (OTC PINK:SEAV) announces that its incubatee, catTHIS Holdings Corp (“catTHIS”) that its registration statement on Form S-1, as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has been declared effective on February 10, 2022. catTHIS…

Digitalizing SMEs to Boost Competitiveness

Digitalizing SMEs to Boost Competitiveness

The World Bank Malaysia’s latest report, “Digitalizing SMEs to Boost Competitiveness” analyzes opportunities and challenges for Malaysian SMEs to better leverage digital tools and platforms to increase their productivity and competitiveness. Watch the FB Live broadcast of the event below: The report can be downloaded here:   #DigitalizingSMEs Source: World Bank Malaysia  

Dr Sean Seah appointed as WITSA chairman
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Dr Sean Seah appointed as WITSA chairman

SEP 28, 2022 Chairman, Dr Sean Seah, Global, PIKOM, Platform, Silicon Valley, Sun Microsystems, Term, WCIT 2022, WITSA Dr Sean Seah PIKOM congratulates Dr. Sean Seah for being appointed Chairman of the World Innovation and Technology Services Alliance (WITSA) for the 2022-2024 term. After making tremendous strides within the technological industry domestically, Dr. Seah is…

Top tech startup applicants to pitch at WCIT 2022

Top tech startup applicants to pitch at WCIT 2022

By Digital News Asia September 2, 2022 Received more than 150 applicants for its SEADragon Series  Top 20 M’sian tech scaleups who will make final pitch at the event Pikom’s Venture Investment Chapter has released the top 20 Malaysian tech scaleups companies set to present their final pitch next month at the World Congress on…

SEATech Ventures Corp Achieved Business Goals In Validated VC Incubation Model

SEATech Ventures Corp Achieved Business Goals In Validated VC Incubation Model

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA / ACCESSWIRE / September 2, 2022 / SEATech Ventures Corp. (OTC PINK:SEAV) is proud to announce that its incubatee AsiaFIN Holdings Corp’s company shares have officially commenced public trading on the US Capital Market under the ticker symbol: OTC PINK:ASFH. ASFH shares were first traded on the 12th of August 2022 with…